Criminals Exploit Bluetooth Technology to Target Electronics in Vehicles

Christopher Kotze

Christopher Kotze

Managing Director at Finesse Ins

In an era of technological advancement, even criminals are finding innovative ways to exploit modern conveniences. A concerning trend has emerged in the U.S. as criminals are now utilizing Bluetooth technology to assess the presence of valuable electronics within vehicles, allowing them to determine whether a potential break-in is worth their time. It would be unwise to assume that this is not taking place across the globe.

The Bluetooth Connection: A Criminal’s New Ally

Car thieves are evolving, adopting sophisticated techniques to identify potential targets for theft. One such method involves leveraging Bluetooth technology to their advantage. Bluetooth scanners and locator apps, have become tools of choice.

By approaching a vehicle, these thieves can discern variations in signal strength emitted by Bluetooth devices within. This allows them to estimate the presence and approximate location of smartphones, tablets, and other valuable electronics within the car. This information proves invaluable for criminals, helping them assess whether the potential haul justifies the risk of breaking in.

Disrupting Criminal Plans: Protecting Your Vehicle

As vehicle owners, it’s crucial to be aware of this emerging threat and take proactive steps to safeguard your belongings. While the convenience of Bluetooth technology is undeniable, it’s important to exercise caution in its usage to prevent falling victim to this new form of criminal activity.

Consider these key takeaways to better protect your vehicle and its contents:

  1. Disable Bluetooth When Not in Use: When you’re not actively using Bluetooth-connected devices, ensure that Bluetooth is turned off. This simple step can significantly reduce the chances of criminals detecting your electronics from outside the vehicle.
  2. Power Down Devices: While disabling Bluetooth is a good start, remember that devices in sleep mode can still emit signals. To further minimize risk, power down your devices entirely when leaving your vehicle unattended.
  3. Secure Valuables: Whenever possible, avoid leaving valuable electronics in plain sight within your car. Storing items in the trunk or an inconspicuous location can deter potential thieves from targeting your vehicle.
  4. Use Faraday Bags: Faraday bags, designed to block electromagnetic signals, can be used to shield devices from Bluetooth scanning attempts. Placing your devices in such bags can thwart criminals’ efforts to detect them.
  5. Park Wisely: Opt for well-lit and secure parking locations, such as monitored garages or areas with surveillance cameras. These measures make it less appealing for criminals to target your vehicle.

By implementing these precautions and making conscious choices about Bluetooth usage, you can reduce the likelihood of falling victim to criminals seeking to exploit this technology. Remember, it’s not just about securing your vehicle, but also about safeguarding your personal information and peace of mind.


Madeline Garfinkle, News Writer for

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